Books & Articles
Soul Medicine
Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimage
By Edward Tick, Ph.D.
Foreword by Mark Nepo
Forthcoming publication by Inner Traditions (January 2023)
The modern practice of medicine and psychology grew out of the ancient Greek healing tradition. Exploring the soul-healing practices missing in our contemporary health systems, Edward Tick, Ph.D., looks at the dream incubation tradition of Asklepios, sacred theatre of Dionysos, oracle gifting of Apollo, and their archaic roots. He includes techniques and case studies to reveal how healings are achieved with these methods and how we can restore soul healing in individuals and culture and integrate the sacred and mythological dimensions in contemporary medicine and psychotherapy.
Coming Home In Vietnam:
Poems by Edward Tick
Poems by Edward Tick
Published by Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural & Bookstore — available now!
Seeking the most powerful healing practices to address the invisible wounds of war, Dr. Ed Tick has led journeys to Viet Nam for veterans, survivors, activists and pilgrims for the past twenty years. This moving and revelatory collection documents the people, places and experiences on these journeys. It illuminates the soul-searching and healing that occurs when Vietnamese women and children and veterans of every faction of the “American War” gather together to share storytelling and ritual, grieving, reconciliation and atonement. These poems reveal war’s aftermath for Vietnamese and Americans alike and their return to peace, healing and belonging in the very land torn by war’s horrors.
Warrior’s Return: Restoring the Soul After War by Edward Tick
(Sounds True, 2014)
Warrior's Return presents a powerful vision for changing the way we welcome veterans back from service. It builds on Ed's visionary work in War and the Soul to detail a comprehensive approach to healing the soul wounds of war. Rich with lessons drawn from cross-cultural wisdom, mythical archetypes, and proven methods from psychology, it is an invaluable resource to help families, caregivers, and returning veterans understand and cope with the life-changing effects of combat.
“A masterpiece from one of our wisest elders for understanding the complex dimensions of war trauma.” —Peter Levine
Возвращение Воина
Warrior’s Return newly published in Russian
Ordering information forthcoming.
War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation’s Veterans from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder by Edward Tick
(Quest Books, 2005)
War's violence can cause the soul to flee and be lost for life. War and the Soul reveals the universal dimensions of veterans' soul wounding, using methods from ancient Greek, Native American, Biblical, Vietnamese and other traditions to restore the soul so that the veteran can truly come home.
A field guide for moving the veteran through war’s dark night of the soul.
The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine by Edward Tick
(Quest Books, 2001)
Through myth, history, pilgrimage and dream work, this classical work explores the tradition of the Greek god of healing Asklepios. It reveals the ancient spiritual roots of modern medicine and psychotherapy, restores the foundation for a truly holistic medicine, and guides us to create sanctuaries for recovery of the whole person.
A comprehensive exploration of the ancient Greek origins of psychotherapy and medicine and their applications today.
Lessons from the Garden by Kate Dahlstedt
Lessons From the Garden, Kate Dahlstedt’s collection of poems and essays written over four decades, explores life from a feminine spiritual point of view. Kate seeks the divine, deep and meaningful in the simple matters of life that we can all relate to, from parenting and gardening, to war and everyday celestial discoveries.
By Edward Tick
"Community, Diversity and Reconciliation in Remote Vietnamese Villages," Survive & Thrive: A Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, 2020, Article 5. Available at:
On veterans, trauma, and what truly heals Asklepios and the Ancient Greek healing tradition and its uses today:“Welcome to the Apocalypse,” Western Oregon Mental Health Association Newsletter, May 2020."Remembering a Warrior-Sage of the Viet Cong," Voice/Male, 22:75, Fall 2018, 8-9 & 38.
"The Burning Heart of a Boddhisatva," Lion's Roar, June 18, 2018,"Heal the Warrior, Heal the Country," Yes Magazine, 2008
By Kate Dahlstedt
"Female Vets, Special Needs: More Vulnerable, Less Support" Health Progress, 2013 Chapter: The Anger of Women Warriors, UNDERSTANDING ANGRY GROUPS: MULTIDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON THEIR MOTIVATIONS AND EFFECTS ON SOCIETY
Book Chapter: “Soldier’s Heart: Using the Arts to Heal From War,” Grief and the Expressive Arts
Book Chapter “Burying The Stone: Rituals and Ceremonies of Atonement,” Beyond Forgiveness: Reflections on Atonement, Phil Cousineau, editor